Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Little Bling!

I have decided to add a little more to the puppy purse from my last post. I am going to add something around the top. Probably some dazzle with my Bedazzler. I will post some new pictures when I do.

We've had a little bling added to our life lately. We have seven new puppies. Two of them are two weeks old and five of them are only one week old. Its always exciting to watch them grow.
The first two are going to be pretty large but the other five will be under four pounds as adults, according to the charts. The first two are just starting to open their eyes and crawl a lot. The other five are still to young yet. There i s only one female and she is from the second litter of five. She is so tiny. They weighed 3- 3.5 ounces when born. Yikes!

Some other bling moments have been that I learned to thread my serger and to use it for a bunch of puppy blankets and covers for their heating pads. They all turned out really cute.

I'll add a picture of the two rolly polly pups to let you see them.

If you should want any other information about the puppies just email me. And go look at the other pics of all our Yorkies at
Thanks for listening to me brag!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Joy of Yarn!

This post is inspired by Noreen-Crone Findley
I decided to take the Joy challenge. This is a little purse that I sat down and had fun with. Starting with a blank piece of denim. I love buttons, dogs and yarn. Beads are an added plus. They were left from another project. I am also posting a picture of my newest effort at playing. Yarn and denim...I re-cycle all my denim from jeans. Most of the yarn is thrums or other left over yarn. The little dogs are cut-outs from material left over from a doggie bed project.
I am not sure how to link this to the others but will eventually figure it out.
The pictures aren't so clear.
Thanks Noreen, for the inspiration!
Donna in FL